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Keywords strategy & Website Optimisation

Show up in Google search results for the *right* people.


Are you pouring resources into SEO without seeing the results you deserve?

The culprit might be your (lacking) keyword strategy.

Targeting/using the wrong keywords means attracting the wrong people who won't click or convert.

The good news? I can fix it. 

(Just don't called me Bob)

Image by Nathana Rebouças

what's a keyword strategy?


A keyword strategy outlines the specific search terms (keywords) that your target audience is likely to use to find businesses like yours.


By understanding these keywords and incorporating them strategically, you can improve your website's ranking in search engine results pages/Google (SERPs) and attract more suitable traffic.

By investing in a well-developed keyword strategy, you can ensure your website is speaking the language your ideal customers understand, ultimately leading to more business growth.

what happens if you have the
wrong / no keywords?

Using the wrong keywords on your website can have several negative consequences for your online presence and SEO efforts, including:


Irrelevant Traffic

time wasting customers

difficulty ranking

losing customers to your competitors

wasting money, time, energy & resources

ineffective marketing

high bounce rate

ineffective content

frustration & stagnantion

what happens if you have the
right keywords in the right places?

Using the wrong keywords on your website can have several negative consequences for your online presence and SEO efforts, including:







effective marketing

LOW bounce rate

effective content



When you use the right keywords on your website and in your online content, search engines are more likely to show your website in their search results.


This means that when someone searches for a product or service you offer, your business is more likely to appear in the search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.


Using the right keywords ensures that the content on your website is relevant to what your potential customers are looking for.


When your website is relevant to their search, it increases the chances that they'll click on your site to learn more, potentially leading to a sale or inquiry.


Keywords can help you stand out in a crowded online marketplace.


By targeting the right keywords that are specific to your business, you can reach the people who are most likely to be interested in what you offer.


This can be more cost-effective than trying to compete for broad, general keywords.


For many small businesses, especially those with physical locations like stores or offices, using location-specific keywords is crucial.


This helps people in your area find you when they're searching for a local business.


For example, if you run a bakery in Geelong, using keywords like "Geelong bakery" can help potential customers in your city/town/suburb discover your business.

"karlie made the process so easy for me to feed the hungry SEO beast, and her thorough research allowed me to pepper my clients website copy with powerful keywords"
- ellyn shepherd

how does a keyword strategy work?

website  & sEO stalk

I look at your website & SEO performance over the last year & take some notes on a few things such as current keyword & Google rankings, traffic analysis, user behaviour & more.

competitor analysis

I analyse your competitors to see what they're up to, what keywords they're targeting, analyse their traffic & conversions & more.

keyword research & map

I brainstorm a bunch of possible keywords & suss out their data including search volume, ranking difficulty score, language, related keywords + more. 

I narrow down the list and select 1 keyword per page of your website. 

write up your meta tags

I write all your Page Titles, Meta Descriptions & H1 tags for each page of your website in a spreadsheet so you can copy and paste them into your pages SEO settings. 

You're also given advice and examples on how to improve your image alt titles using your keywords. 


You then implement your strategy into your website or if you would like me to handle this, I can! 

Whilst I'm in there I will further optimise your site which can include things like improving site speed, simplifying your navigation, improving the user-experience + more.



Choose the date you want your plan delivered and complete a questionnaire 

pay your invoice

This confirms your booking

i get my nerd on

When your booked date rolls around I'll get to work, create my magic and deliver the goods!


1. A PDF full of helpful and insightful information on your website & SEO performance + advice on how to improve it further

2. A spreadsheet with all your keywords and meta tags pre-written for you + insight into your current keywords/Google rankings. 

Ready to get better google visibility, clicks to your website from google & higher conversions on your website?

Investment from $1,100

Investment from $1,600

Book now

keyword strategy FAQ'S

CAN WE DO A FOLLOW UP CALL? Sure can. I record a video walk-through of your entire keyword strategy for you that explains everything you need to know, but you are welcome to book a follow up call to ask questions.

CAN YOU PUT THE STRATEGY INTO MY SITE FOR ME? Sure can. This does incur an extra service fee and I can quote you for this part which will depend on how big your website/strategy is.

HOW DO I KNOW IF THE KEYWORDS ARE WORKING? I explain all of this in your strategy, but I always suggest using Google Search Console to track keyword and Google performance as well as my favourite SEO tool, SE Ranking. I also give you more info on this tool in your strategy.

WHEN CAN I EXPECT RESULTS? 'Results' are subjective; there is no straightforward answer to this one but generally you should start to see movement around the 3-6 month mark - however, many variables come into play here including what you are actively doing to help promote your website/busness online.

WILL THIS KEYWORD STRATEGY SOLVE ALL MY PROBLEMS? Depends what your problems are! This keyword strategy is step 1 in getting greater Google visibility, increasing your CTR (click through rate) from Google, and improving your conversion rate on your website. Step 2 is then about content marketing and actively working on getting website traffic such as blog writing, guest blogging, email marketing, social media marketing, backlinks, paid ads etc. There's no point doing any of that until your website has all the great keywords and is optimised for SEO as you'll be driving people off a cliff, so to speak.

DO YOU OFFER ON-GOING SEO SERVICES? Yes - I have a service where I collate all your website and SEO performance data each month, analyse it, break it down into an easy to read report for you that tells you things like: - how your keywords are performing - traffic analysis - user behaviour analysis - google ranking changes - website audit, + more This service is informational - I do not execute the suggestions and tasks I provide you, this will be on you or your team to execute. Send me a message if you're interested in this service.



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