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Not everyone that comes to your site is in the purchase phase

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

🚦You're getting good, even great, website traffic to your shiny new online store (or your shiny 'old' online store), and your social media game is bangin', your Facebook ad is doing really well, but you're not getting the actual sales...

That may be because not everyone that comes to your site is in the 'purchase phase', yet.

🗨 Search Engine Journal @sejournal explains:

"Some users are in the informational stage and want to find out more about the product before they buy it.

For example, it’s hard to get hand sanitiser now but not all hand sanitisers are effective against Coronavirus.

If I come to a site that I’m not familiar with and the site sells hand sanitiser, one of the first questions I want an answer to is: What is the alcohol content? Is it above 65% to kill the Coronavirus?

If the product description and other information on the page can’t answer that question, why would I buy it?"

I mean think about it - when you shop online for a particular product, do you ALWAYS buy from the first website you find? Or do you look multiple websites, compare the product on all the websites for things like price, shipping, other products you might like or need, whether you company A or company B, C, D, E... that sells the product better?

You weigh up a lot of shit before you *actually* purchase (a lot of the time - especially if you haven't shopped for this particular product before, or you heard about the product from someone but you have never heard of the company before, making them all new and mysterious 👉 we're very cautious creatures, lately more than ever.

So if you're getting good website traffic, page views, good CTR (click-through rate) etc, but the sales are just not coming in yet? Hang about - it takes time for people to make decisions and hand over their cash to you, especially if you're all shiny and new to them.

I'm going to post a follow-up tip to this tomorrow about how you can help to influence/encourage your website users to choose you, and sooner ✌



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